Resources and Help

There are many resources you can use to help you when you are in need.

TIME LIMIT WARNING: Keep in mind, under Oregon Chapter 90 laws, if your landlord violated your Chapter 90 rights, you have up to one-year after the incident occured to take action against it.  Talk to an attorney about your specific situation.

Manufactured and Marina Communities Resource Center

The Manufactured and Marina Communities Resource Center (MMCRC) is an Oregon state office under the purview of the Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) and was created to help park tenants improve housing stability.  In 2019, with the passing of SB586, the MMCRC opened its doors to include marinas in their programs.

The MMCRC provides services and information to residents and landlords of parks and marinas to promote cooperative community relationships and positive alternatives to the court system.

MMCRC landlord and tenant services:

  • Offer confidential, neutral, and voluntary services to both landlords and tenants
  • Provide assistance in resolving disputes by promoting open communication and a positive environment.
  • Track park and marina dispute resolutions, mandatory mediations, and the use of legal services for low-icome park and marina tenants.
  • They maintain a park and marina registry.*
  • They can help tenants find out who owns their park or marina if the manager will not provide it.*
  • They handle park and marina landlord education training required by law and can verify if a park or marina landlord is current on this legal requirement.*

*Thesee programs for marinas will not be up and fully functional until January 1, 2022

Legal Assistance

Sometimes mediation doesn’t give us the results we wanted and sometimes issues are too big for mediaiton to handle.

In those cases, we recommend seeking the advice of an attorney.

Attorneys can be expensive but, somtimes, there are options when you don’t’ have the money to hire and attorney.

Ask for help. Not because you are weak. But because you want ot remain strong.

Les Brown, Motivational Speaker

What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.

Maya Angelou, Civil Rights Activist

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Abraham Lincoln, US President

Would you like to support our continued efforts to serve park and marina tenants?