You must understand your rights in order to benefit from them

We own our homes.  How can we be tenants?

If you are one of the 60,000 people in Oregon who own your manufactured or floating home but you rent the land or the slip space that the home is located on, even though you are a homeowner, you are protected under Oregon laws as a tenant.

The Oregon Residential Landlord Tenant Act governs the laws around your contract with your park or marina owner.  Under Oregon laws, your park or marina owner is your landlord and you are their tenant.

But Oregon Revised Statue laws in Chapter 90 offer more rights and protections to manufactured and floating home owners in parks and marinas than apartment tenants.  These laws are contained in the second half of ORS Chapter 90 and are in addition to the laws which govern apartment tenancies.

Why Chapter 90 Laws Matter

The Oregon Residential Landlord Tenant Act (ORLTA), also knows as Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 90 Laws, govern the bargain that landlords strike with their tenants.  Some laws in Chapter 90 protect the landlord and some are written to protect the tenant.

Nearly everything you can or cannot do in your park or marina is governed by Chapter 90 laws with only a few exceptions.  Chapter 90 sets the rules your landlord must follow regarding your tenancy.

Likewise, even though you consider yourself a homeowner, you also must comply with the limits that the law places on you in a park or marina.

How OSTA Influences Oregon Laws

OSTA Executive Officers, Directors, and members are active participants in the legislative process.  We are in constant contact with our park and marina members and learn first-hand about issues that our members are experiencing in their communities.

We work with Oregon legislators, The MH Landlord-Tenant Coalition, tenant lobbyists, and other community partners to bring about legislative solutions to problems at parks and marinas.

Where Do I Start?

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.

Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient

Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.

Anton Chekhov, Author & Playwright

A lack of knowledge creates fear. Seeking knowledge creates courage.

Candice Swanepoel, South African Philanthropist & Model

Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed.

Terry Goodkind, Author

“Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.” – Robert Tew