How Does Marina Law Differ from Park Law

How Does Marina Law Differ from Park Law2024-04-30T11:10:42-07:00

ORS Chapter 90 Park and Marina Tenant Laws are Nearly Identical…with a Few Exceptions

Chapter 90 of the Oregon Revised Statutes covers residential tenancies. The second half of Chapter 90 offers additional protections for park and marina tenants who own their homes and rent their spaces.

But it is important to know and understand that NOT EVERY ORS 90.505 – 875 law applies to marina tenants.  This is helpful to understand as you read through this site.

This is largely because floating home owner tenants were largely absent from participation in the legislative process until Angela Garvin, our OSTA Floating Home Communities Director, led the charge for marina resident protections and began advocating for major legislative changes and marina tenant protections in 2017.

If you do not participate in the process, you lose the opportunity to gain rights and protections.

Following is a brief summary of the ways in which the laws for floating home tenants differ from those of manufactured dwelling parks.

If you would like to get involved and fight for laws to improve living at your marina, join us!

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