Membership Information

You have selected the Basic Membership membership level.

For Tenants - those who live in a manufactured home park or marina.
For one (1) household - all individuals residing in the same household.

The membership period starts from the date of registration and lasts for one year.

The price for membership is $30.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

Do you have a discount code?

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

About You

Please provide your contact info.

First name of first household member

Last name of first household member

Phone of first household member

Your Street Address

Your space number if you have one.

Second Household Member

If you have more than one household member, please provide contact info for them (optional).

First name of second household member

Last name of second household member

Phone of second household member

Email of second household member


This info helps OSTA to serve you better.

County where you reside.

Manufactured Home Park or Floating Home Marina where you reside.


If your park or marina has an OSTA chapter, enter the number here if known.

When did you first join OSTA?
