OSTA has a brand new look!
The passing of Senate Bill 586 gave marina residents (tenants who own their floating homes, but rent their space from a marina landlord) many of the same rights and protections under ORS Chapter 90 that park residents enjoy. Supporting and advocating for park tenants since 1977, OSTA made the decision in Fall of 2019 to welcome marina residents under our umbrella because we understand that we are all stronger together.
With a new strategic plan to better serve park tenants in the future and, with the addition of the marina residents, OSTA took this opportunity to reimagine our logo and our website.
The OSTA Logo Symbolism
We are excited to share with you our new OSTA logo. This logo was designed to show 2 groups of tenants united and protected under one roof, a place to take shelter, and place to build family and community. The green symbolizes manufactured houses on land and the blue stripes symbolize floating houses on watery waves. The left-to-right movement of the bold green triangle symbolizes forward movement and the green is given the prominent brightness and top placement because OSTA’s inception was brought about by the hard work and dedication of park homeowners on land.
The New OSTA Website
We are also excited to announce the launch of our new website which includes tools to help educate and empower park and marina residents, current news and events, easier navigation, and more interactivity to help support you! We have also revamped the site structure and content so that you can get more help however you need it most. We hope that you will find that these changes add value to your lives and the site will become a trusted resource for you to return to frequently for consistent, relevant, and current information.